

Is It Christmas?

Christmas is widely known as the season of giving. In this season children are waiting for Santa Claus. They put their socks on their windows, waking up early the next day to have their presents. When I was a child I also believed in Santa Claus. Until I came to the right age and understand the fact that there is no Santa.

Jesus is the real meaning of Christmas, but this meaning is already erased in the hearts of human beings. Why do most people celebrate Christmas? Is is really to reminisce the birth of Jesus? Or just to have fun? I , myself keep on asking these questions. It's been years since I started to asked these questions and until now, my mind is not yet brighten.

The essence of Christmas is now divided. Some celebrate it for fun. Some awaits it for their gifts or for their Santa Claus. Others love it for in this season there is no work.

Even though we have different intentions in celebrating Christmas, we must put in our hearts that Jesus is behind in these celebrations.

Happy holidays!!!

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Princess B. Obrero said...

nice composition...--- keep it up!

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